Dear Parents/Guardians,
My name is Brittany Engel, and I am a registered nurse. I am very excited and honored to work for the Altoona school district.
I am interested in any concerns you may have regarding your child. I am also interested in your input on how the school health program could improve. I look forward to health promotion projects and collaborating, identifying, and providing for the individual health needs of students.
My goal is to work with students, staff, parents, and the community so students can be healthy learners. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
I can be contacted by telephone 1-715-514-3444, a note or letter in my mailbox, or by email:
Asthma Action Plan
Emergency Asthma Action plan ensures that staff knows how to effectively assist your student in their time of need with an asthma attack. Please ensure that inhalers are labeled with correct prescription and that the physician has filled out this Asthma Action Plan.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
F.A.R.E Documentation
This form will need to be filled out as well as the Food Allergy Management Care Plan to better assist your student with their allergies and their Epi-Pen or Benadryl needs.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
This document will need to be completed, for all food allergies, as well as the Food Allergy Management Plan for our Nutritional Services Department.
This document will also be needed for all and any allergic reactions that require an Epi-Pen or Benadryl.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
Food Allergy Plan
This food plan helps the nutritional services department determine how they can effectively ensure they have the right product and knowledge to help your student.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
Elementary/Intermediate School Non-Prescription Medication Form
This form should be used for over the counter medications and medications that do NOT require a physician signature. Such items are for example, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Cough Medicine, Tums, Lactaid, etc. This specific form is for students under the age of 12, due to specific regulations on Tylenol and Ibuprofen containers, children under 12 will need Children's Medications. Our school does have a supply of children's medication, though we only stock chewable Children's Tylenol and chewable Children's Ibuprofen, we do not supply liquids--so if your student requires liquid medication, that will need to be supplied by your family. We also do not stock cough medicine, Tums, or Lactaid. If your family supplies any medication, it must be kept in the original container, not expired, and labeled with your students name.
Middle School/High School Non-Prescription Medication Form
This form should be used for over the counter medications and medications that do NOT require a physician signature for a student over the age of 12 years old. The school does stock Ibuprofen and Tylenol. If there are other medications you would like your student to have, or specifically if you want to provide your own medication instead of what is stocked at school, that is perfectly acceptable, though we ask you please keep the medications in their original container due to expiration dates and ensuring that it is the correct medication. There is an option on the top if you would like to use the school supplied stock medications, so please mark which options you would like to utilize at school. Once again, we only stock Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Students are only allowed to have one or two tablets of these medications. If your student is allowed to have more then two tablets, you will need to have a doctors prescription, as the label does not indicate the use of more then two tablets.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
Prescription Medication Form
This form is to be used for medications that REQUIRE a prescription from a physician to obtain to be administered at school. We ask that if there are updates to the prescription at any medical appointments that this gets updated as well, to ensure that we are properly administering your students medications.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
Seizure Action Plan
This document is required when students have a seziure disorder, to ensure that the school has the correct information to ensure safety of your student if they were to experience a seizure during the school day. This document lays out information on what type of seizure disorder your student has been diagnosed with, what emergency medications your student has, which medical facility that you would like your student transitioned to during or after a seizure. We ask that all seizure emergency medications come in their original container with the proper label attached. If a student does experience a seizure and emergency medications are used, Altoona School District policy states that Emergency Medical Services (911) will be called.
PLEASE NOTE: These documents need to be updated on a yearly basis. All medications need to be picked up at the end of each year, or they will be taken to be disposed of, one week after school is let out for the year. Nurse Britt will communicate with you as a family to decipher pick up or disposal.
My school hours are 7:30 am to 3:30PM
Procedures related to absences due to illness:
All absences related to illnesses including fever above 100.4, vomiting, diarrhea, or COVID-19, are all considered excused-illness for attendance. We ask that if your student is ill, they stay home, until they are 24 hours since last episode (fever, vomiting, and diarrhea), without the use of medications, and that they are feeling better.
At any time if your student goes to the doctor for medical appointments including for any of the above listed symptoms, as well as strep throat, pink eye, medical appointments for the dentist, therapy appointments etc, we ask that your student brings a doctor's note back to school. When your student brings a doctor's note back, that will mark that absence as an excused-medical appointment. When having a doctor's appointment note, it will not go towards the 10 days of excused absences a year. If your student does not have a doctor's note for appointments it will be considered excused appointment, if your student don't have a doctor's note for illnesses, it will be considered an excused illness.
If the school sends your student home for fever (100.4), vomiting, diarrhea, or pink eye, this will be considered a no-count illness, and does not go towards the 10 excused absences a year, either.
Each student is allowed 10 days of excused absences, whether this be for illnesses or personal absence excuses per year, per state statute, Wis. State. sec. 118.15(3) exceptions to compulsory school attendance.
Please always call the absentee line for the school in which your student attends, and let them know why your student is going to be absent for the day.
Elementary School - 715-839-6095 option #4
Intermediate School - 715-839-6095 option #3
Middle School - 715-839-6095 option #2
High School - 715-839-6095 option #1
updated January 2024