Family Access

Family Access allows you to connect to your child's learning through Skyward's Family Access Portal. You can read general messages sent by your child's teacher or the office staff. You can access your child's grades, homework assignments, discipline and other data and information about your child. You can fill out any required school forms and sign-up for parent teacher conferences. Also you can access important information regarding upcoming events.

Family Access Directions

Account Information
Be sure to have your Skyward Family Access username and password ready. If you don't know it, please contact your child’s school office or Registrar Emilee Perkins. 

  • Altoona Elementary School - 715-839-6050
  • Altoona Intermediate/Middle School - 715-839-6030
  • Altoona High School - 715-839-6031
  • Emilee Perkins (Registrar) -  715-838-7345 or

Family Access Web Address
Open an Internet browser (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge preferred) and navigate to this address.

Login Information
Enter your username and password to login to Family Access

Changing Login Information
Once logged in you can click on the My Account link in the upper right corner and change your login name, password or email address