Hello AIS School Families!
We recently completed our biennial fundraiser for the 2023-24 school year. Thank you so much for helping to raise funds for our school!
Detail are below:
We know that parents and students are busy, and that is why we want to make the fundraiser as EASY and SUCCESSFUL as possible.
Our entire STEP IT UP fundraiser can be completed in TEN MINUTES or less! Yes, really!!!!
The most important thing you can do to support our school is to help your child complete the first night “Golden Ticket” email campaign that they will bring home from school today. To get our fundraiser off to a great start, we are asking each and every family to REGISTER and SEND OUT AT LEAST 10 EMAILS TONIGHT to friends and family, enlisting their support. Don’t forget to ADD YOURSELF you can donate online too!
All donations are processed via PayPal, so they are safe and secure, and the emails you send will only be used for this fundraiser (not saved for any other purpose).
While you have until the end of our fundraiser to raise money, this First Night Golden Ticket Assignment will not only qualify your child some fun PARTICIPATION REWARDS & MASSIVE GIVEAWAY DRAWINGS, but will help us get off to an amazing start!
Please Visit: www.stepitupkids.com/Altoona54720
We look forward to an incredible participation and thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students!